Friday, May 20, 2022

A New Sister

 This last Sunday Eli was invited to preach at a church in a village not far from us. The pastor of that church is a graduate of the theological training program Eli is running here in Adjumani. He and his wife are an amazing team and a shining light in that village. During prayer request time a young woman came forward with her baby boy. She was obviously troubled. Though she looked timid, her story began pouring from her lips and the congregation listened intently as she shared a difficult past of growing up without a father, turning to men and then witchcraft to try to find peace and satisfaction in her life. Her life has come to the point where she feels at a total loss and while staying with a friend who is a Christian, that friend encouraged her to come to this church and ask for prayer. This young woman who I will refer to as Kate, even brought some of the items she'd been using for the witchcraft she'd been involved in.

At one point, the pastorcut her off (her story just kept going...) and came face to face with her at the front of the church and asked her point blank, "Daughter, are you here today to receive Jesus and turn from this old way of living?" She said yes. So simple and yet so life changing. The pastor explained the gospel and then led her to pray and confess her sins and believe in Jesus. He also asked her to bring those witchcraft things to the front so the elders could take them outside and burn them. While this young woman knelt and prayed to Jesus for the first time, tears streamed down her face and I could visibly see the relief and peace she was experiencing.

After the service I looked for Kate and gave her a big hug and said, "welcome to the family of God!" As we began to talk I realized I had met her before but it had been a few years. She knew where I lived so I invited her to come anytime so we can pray and encourage one another in our faith.

She came yesterday. She looked tired and sad. We both sat under our mango tree with babies on our laps and she continued to share her life story. I ached with her. As I listened I felt like the Lord was telling me to give her another clear explanation of the gospel and what it means for her life now that she believes. I explained that life will still be hard. Our troubles in this world will never be over until we go to be with Jesus in heaven. But we have HOPE. We have hope that this life isn't all there is. This is our training period when God is teaching us and growing us and using us to be light and share with others the Good News of Jesus' sacrifice for us. We don't have to carry the heavy burden of our sins anymore. We don't have to be in chains as she had been. We are free and forgiven.

I also rejoiced with her when she shared that she was no longer having the terrible nightmares at night since Sunday when we chose to follow Jesus. What a beautiful answer to prayer!

It was getting close to sunset so I prayed with her and walked her part of the way home (as is the custom here.) I cannot stop thinking of this new believer. So vulnerable. Struggling. Alone. And yet as I reminded her yesterday. She will never be alone again. God is always with her.

I have been blown away by her story. How God can change such a broken life and make it new. We all are broken too until we embrace Jesus and all He has done for us. Please pray for Kate in her new life with Jesus.

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