Monday, April 25, 2022

More change

 This isn't the best picture but it was such a welcome sight for Eli and I yesterday. Saturday evening we put our three older boys on a bus to the capital and then arranged for a friend to pick them up and take them to the airport to fly to Kenya for school. This is the photo Isaac sent us Sunday morning after they were all checked into their flight. We are so grateful to the Lord for getting our boys through every step of their journey.

Meanwhile Eli, Carson and Judah and I are trying to adjust to the new normal of just the 4 of us at home. The house feels really quiet and I haven't had to cook since Saturday because we're just eating leftovers. As i move through the house a hundred things make me think of my big boys and my heart aches with missing them. I know we will all get used to this, it's just hard right now. We were just getting into a new groove back in Uganda life and now it's changing again. I keep trying to remind myself that change isn't bad. 

Allow the sad moments, admit it's hard but keep pressing on.


Jason and Heather Fader said...

I'm with you, sister. Seeing a left-behind sock or an empty chair, ugh. I can't even see clearly through all these tears right now. So let's go hug the littles and pray for the big kids and press on.
Can hardly wait to see you and them soon!
Love you, h

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I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...