Monday, July 13, 2020

What has Corona meant for us here in our corner of N. Uganda?

Lots of people have asked what this season of life has been like for us where we live. So I wanted to show you bits and pieces of our life from June and July - through photos of course!

Carson and his buddy Timothy
Carson is now 2 years old and talking and singing all day long. He does everything 150% and at high volume. It's been fun to watch him make friends and enjoy playing.

Carson and I went to visit our pastor's family a few weeks ago and had a lovely time.

Our pastor's wife, Agnes

Isaac and I drove an hour out of town to the middle of nowhere to visit our good friends who are farming out there during the rainy season. It was a fun adventure complete with muddy roads, getting stuck, and learning how to harvest cassava.

Isaac's friend Godfrey made his own little shelter near his garden to give him some shade

Isaac and Evan have a constant mechanic shop going on behind our house. This old moped has demanded a lot of TLC but they finally got it running.

For Eli and my 18th wedding anniversary, our boys served us a delicious meal and gave us a restaurant experience right in our own home!

Since it's rainy season we're enjoying growing some veggies in our garden.

Eli and a couple of local pastors continue to distribute food to the really needy in our district. They even crossed the Nile River to a more remote refugee settlement to give food last week.

We've had to be a little creative for getting a break. As long as we're home, ministry never stops. This one Sunday we drove to nearby Forest Reserve and hiked around and enjoyed a picnic on the roof rack of our truck. 

A new development for me has been a discipleship group with the young ladies in our church. We had a tea party in June and have now started a weekly Bible study at our home.

I don't even know what to write for a caption for this disgusting photo!

The boys engineered this fun trailer they can pull with their bikes. It's already been very helpful for market runs and kid rides. 

One day the youth from our church invited Eli and I to help plant fruit trees on our new church property

We used cow manure to fertilize 
Joshua continues to raise chickens. He now has special layer hens who are providing us with delicious eggs every day.

We have another animal lover!

Adoption Paperwork Complete!
Lastly, and possibly most exciting, our adoption paperwork is now complete and an investigation is under way on a little girl in an orphanage. Once we are officially matched we will share more details, but for now we are so thankful to the Lord for helping this process move forward despite COVID barrriers. And we are hopeful that baby girl will be home with us by next month!

I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...