Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Gearing up for TRANSITION

We now have only 2 days left in South Carolina before loading about 15 pieces of baggage and our family onto a plane to fly across the globe to Uganda, the Pearl of Africa. We grow more excited every day and the house is getting emptier as we pack up.

We are delighted to report that God has answered prayer after prayer and in a way we couldn't have even hoped. We have all of Carson's important documents, just about all the house projects finished, and even sold our car. We are just waiting on confirmation from a family interested in renting our house and then everything will be done.

Tonight before the boys went to bed we spent some time talking about the transitions ahead of us and discussed how important it is to say goodbyes well, leave with no regrets, and how to have healthy, hopeful expectations for what is ahead. It was a really sweet time and I'm so thankful God gave us that pause in the midst of the crazy!

We fly out of Charlotte on Thursday at 1 pm so please say a prayer for us as you eat your lunch.

First few days in Uganda

Carson in the Entebbe airport in Uganda with all our bags minus one.  Flying out of the States was a lot more challenging than we expected! ...