Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Shopping for South Sudan

Eli with one of the 5 full carts! 
We are very thankful that we can get just about everything we need here in Kenya! Since our flight back into South Sudan is in 2 weeks, we need to have everything packed and at the office by the end of this week so it can go through processing. Today Eli and I set out to Nakumatt, Kenya's equivalent of a Walmart, with a long list and a cup of coffee in our hands. We were very thankful friends invited our kids to come over to play so we didn't have to drag them along with us!

This is our amazing Nakumatt

After spending 30 minutes in the pharmacy buying medicines for the next 6 months, we spent about 3 1/2 hours in Nakumatt. Since we lost our entire household in Melut, we had to buy things like fans, drawers for clothes, chairs, food items and other essentials like toothpaste and toilet paper.

The crazy thing was that by the time we came to check out and everything was rung up, our Visa card wouldn't go through! Granted we don't usually spend such large amounts of money in one go so our bank in the States must have blocked the transaction. :) Here we were after almost 4 hours of shopping, everything had been rung up, but we couldn't pay for it! After trying a few different ways, Eli went out of the store to an ATM machine and was able to withdraw the amount in cash! He came back to the cashier with very bulging pockets!

How are we going to get all this stuff into this little car?
 Sure enough, when Eli went to pay for our parking, the ticket read: 3 hours, 57 minutes. That's how long we'd been shopping!

Tired but oh so thankful for how God provides!

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