Friday, June 26, 2015

I love it when it clicks!

Our Family Devotions this year
I love to see things click for my kids! This devotional is just one of the zillion ways God went before us this year and prepared the way for what we'd experience as a family. We chose this devotional to do with the kids before bed because we loved the adult version. Later we found out that each of the 365 devotionals focus on comfort and perseverance. It seems like every night the words (and God's Word) are spoken just for us.

A few nights ago we were reading part of the story of Job and suddenly we witnessed a light bulb moment for our oldest. He excitedly exclaimed, "Mom! God is doing for us exactly what He did for Job! After his time of testing and suffering God blessed Job and gave him even more than he had in the beginning." Sure enough, we each started sharing different ways we've seen God provide over and above for us. Their examples were things like:
1. In Melut we just had a small bucket of legos; now we have a whole trunk! (Given and shared from others).
2. The boys had bikes in Melut but they were getting old, falling apart and the boys were growing out of them. They each have a new bike here in Kenya that we've bought from friends.
3. Our apartment is starting to feel crowded because we are accumulating household things from other missionary families - tools, dishes, linens, and school books. I have been so amazed how even people I barely know are bending over backwards to help us gather everything we need for this next school year.

There are many other examples in our home of how God is blessing us beyond what we could have thought possible. Though it's been more than a month now since we were evacuated and lost everything in our South Sudan home, friends and even people we've never met before, continue to share their own things with us. This has been such an encouragement to our faith but even more exciting for me, great moments of learning, growing, and faith-building for our boys. I'm so thankful they're at an age that they are seeing God work and I pray these lessons will stick with them and they will look back and remember them for the rest of their lives!

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