Saturday, April 11, 2015

First Few Days Back in Melut!

All 3 boys got a chance to pilot our plane!

The view of the passengers

Joshua in the car with the cargo on our drive home
(Check out the landscape!)

The boys happily playing in our front yard

Reunited with their special friend, Goich

Joshua wasn't sure how to act with our girl visitors :)

They have been waiting to get back to fishing for sooooo long!

Saturday morning fishing with their friend

This was our lunch today!

Most of these pictures are of the boys. Eli and I have spent the last few days going through the stuff that had been stored in our house since 2013, unpacking the things we brought with us, settling in, hosting many friends who have come to visit us, meetings with Principal Kur, and helping our teammate move to a new house. Yesterday the temperature in our house was registering on my oven thermometer! It said 113 - inside! The heat definitely pays a toll and we are all ready for bed by 8! But we are so so happy to be home in Melut and have a deep sense of being exactly where we belong!


Unknown said...

bless you and the Lord keep you all.. Darrie and Debbie T

Anonymous said...

Great to get this update! We got a photo like your first one when Jim flew us last time. We are praying for you. --The Faris Five in Aweil

Unknown said...

love the photos! love your family!

Unknown said...

Its me, Heather, not Josh :)

Audrey said...

So fun to see your pics back home!

Mom said...

I am oooooo happy you guys are home! Maybe some day Audrey and David will visit Melut with you!

Love, Mom

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