Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Special Reconnect with South Sudan teammates

Over the 4th of July weekend, we were invited to our friends' house in the mountains of North Carolina. The couple who invited us are on our SIM South Sudan team but are on home assignment in the States like we are. They invited us and two other couples who have also served in South Sudan. It was such a special time to reconnect and hear how everyone is doing since returning from the field.

As you can see we did a lot of relaxing and having lots of fun on Lake Toxaway. There was so much to do: skiing, kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming, and much more!

The weather was beautiful and we all had a wonderful time - especially the boys!!

On the night of the 4th we watched a spectacular fireworks show at a nearby golf club. We spread a blanket on the grass and were awed by the huge and beautiful displays of light and sound. :)

One day we all went on a hike to see some waterfalls. They were just beautiful.

Some of the group got daring and climbed up the side of a large rock to then slide down the other side which kind of waterfalled into a small pool below. Yes, Isaac and Evan did it but this nervous mama was holding her breath the whole time!!!

At the top of the rock Eli talked them through what they were going to do

And then down they went!
It was a very sweet and special few days, spending time with friends who know what we've been through and what the transition back to the States is like. We were all able to listen to each other, encourage each other, and challenged to press on, each in our unique set of circumstances that God has put us in for now.

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