Sunday, August 25, 2013

God's Protection

In less than 24 hours the Lord has protected our family from 3 different dangers (that we know of, I'm sure there could have been many more!!!)  First, yesterday, while the boys were making a fort with their friends in the yard, Evan carried an old sack from across campus not knowing the whole time that there was a huge scorpion hanging on to the same sack. Only when Isaac was tying the sack onto their fort did he see the scorpion and realize they both could have been stung.

Then yesterday evening we were over at our teammates' house having dinner. After dinner the adults were chatting while the kids played and suddenly they all came running screaming, "Snake! Snake!" Sure enough, our teammate Jon found a puff adder, a very dangerous snake, right where they'd been playing. Isaac told me he'd been walking barefoot along that side of the house, happened to look down at his feet and he was just about to step on it!!!! Again, THANK THE LORD for His protection!

This morning Eli was making the bed and I heard him call out, "Bethany, come check this out!" He had found a scorpion UNDER HIS PILLOW! Who knows how long it had been there. I remember something scurrying under my pillow before I got into bed last night. I tried to find it but figured it was just a beetle, which we have many of this time of year. I don't know if that was the scorpion but again, the important thing here is that we could have easily been harmed but the Lord protected us.

I imagine there are many more dangers that occur all around us that we never even see but today these occurrences have been a huge encouragement to my heart to be reminded of God's care, love, and protection.


Sandy said...

Thank you, God, for your hand of protection over this dear family.

Bethany, reading these stories has opened my eyes to be praying for you all in a new way. Yikes! God is truly watching over you.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Loved to read your blog. I would like to suggest you that traffic show most people read blogs on Mondays. So it should encourage blogger to write new write ups over the weekend primarily.

Great post! Interesting information and cute writing style.

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