Thursday, December 13, 2012

Chronicling our House Construction

The construction of our house in Melut is finally under way. We are so excited and want to celebrate every step of the way knowing that it is ALL God making things fall into place. We heard news this week that the barge carrying our building supplies from Juba to Melut is on its way so we're praying for it to have God's speed.

This week, day by day, we make more progress. A few days ago we got our first load of sand. Yesterday the UN brought their forklift to move a huge old water tank that was sitting right where we want to build our house. And today a tractor brought a load of small rock. This is soooo exciting. In the picture above Isaac is showing you the building site where we will build our house. Can you believe that we get riverfront property? Look at that! That is the Nile River!

Of course the boys were all over the tractor when it arrived.

Here we go - already starting to look like a construction site. Praise the Lord! Stay tuned to see what else God does...


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. and Mrs. Fader,

I'm a leader at my church's Awana club and I'm going through the handbook as well. Do you mind answering a few questions for one of the sections?

If you don't mind, here are the questions:
1: What does a normal day look like?
2: What is your church like?
3: Does homeschooling there differ from homeschooling here?
4: How do you see the Holy Spirit at work?

Lastly, is there anything specific I can pray for? My email is ramseyjacksons at gmail dot com

Thank you,

PDabbs said...

You must be thrilled with the fact that you will be building a house on a riverfront property. I hope the construction progress went smoothly for you. I assume it’s finished by now? I would love to see how everything turned out. Cheers!

Paul Dabbs

Anonymous said...

Well, that progress is quite impressive for a first day of construction. How did everything progress after that? I hope it went as smooth as you planned it to be. And from the looks of it, the boys were quite thrilled to get the work started. That must've accounted for the fast building time of your house. Anyway, have a nice day!

Hope Underwood @ Level and Square Construction

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