Friday, November 23, 2012

Our Melut Thanksgiving

  We had such a unique Thanksgiving this year. We wanted to have the real deal so Isaac rode his bike to a nice ladies house who raises birds and brought home one duck and one chicken. See how he rigged a box onto his handlebars to carry them home? :)

Our little friend Jeremiah did the butchering and gutting and I got all the feathers off.

Here is the finished product. It looks small but at least it was tasty - a nice crispy outside but so moist inside. We're definitely going to have duck again soon.

2 pumpkin pies

The buffet line: stuffed duck, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, potato rolls, cranberry sauce and sauteed zucchini. Pie for dessert.

Eli ate 2 1/2 heaping plates full.



We had a wonderful evening with friends and good food. So thankful to be in this amazing place.





Sandy said...

Bethany! What a great dinner! From one mom and wife to another, I'm so proud of you for making that a fun and hospitable day for everyone!

Thankful for the Faders!

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