Monday, July 16, 2012

Creative Fun in the Mud

  When it rains here in Melut the mud turns into clay. So the day after a big rain you find children shaping all kinds of amazing things out of the mud. These boys had fashioned an entire house with rooms and furniture - even food on the plates on the tables!

 Another favorite game the day after a good rain are mud wars. The boys divide into 2 teams and gather large balls of mud/clay. Then they break off smaller pieces and throw them at each other. The mud usually leaves a mark and a bit of a sting - almost like paint ball! Isaac and Evan will play this game for hours!

 Isaac's got his big ball of mud, ready to use as ammo.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Bethany, I noticed that you commented on Heather's blog, Word and Deed! And am delighted to see that your family is doing well!

I am really enjoying reading stories about your work (and family, of course!)!

~Your Home-School Conference Friend in Ann Arbor, MI

First few days in Uganda

Carson in the Entebbe airport in Uganda with all our bags minus one.  Flying out of the States was a lot more challenging than we expected! ...