Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Where Next?

 It's really hard to believe that our year in Khartoum is drawing to a close! I (Bethany) officially finished language school at the beginning of March after passing 3 unit exams and an oral/speaking test. The boys completed their last day of school today - a full year - at a local Arabic kindergarten. They have a big graduation tomorrow. Eli will continue class until the 29th of March. In April, we'll begin a period of transition with many stops along the way: to a conference in Kenya, a family wedding in Michigan, and finally...Melut, South Sudan. This is our next destination and we are so excited that we wanted to share a bit about what our new home and new life will be like.

 Gideon Theological College in Melut, South Sudan trains and educates future pastors and leaders of South Sudan. Not only will the graduates go on to pastor churches, lead evangelism, and disciple others but many graduates from Gideon Theological College are also recruited into government positions because others recognize the integrity and character of these men and women. What an amazing opportunity to impact the future leaders of South Sudan!

 Melut is a small town located right on the Nile River. This is a view of the campus from the river.

 Eli is already joking (or is he serious?) about buying a boat instead of a car since it will be much more necessary to travel via water than road, especially in the rainy season when the roads are impassable.

 Last November Eli traveled to Melut to check out the school and see if it would be a good fit for our family. As we've prayed and asked many of you to pray we've been thrilled to see God leading us clearly in this direction. Even our boys are excited about a new life back in South Sudan.

 This is Mr. Phillip, the principal of Gideon Theological College. Eli will work closely with him .

This is the beautiful village along the Nile River. Doesn't it look like a little bit of village paradise?

Though change isn't always easy, we are absolutely sure God has gone before us and is preparing the way for us. Please pray for us as we close up our time here in Khartoum. We've developed some very special friendships and it will be difficult to say goodbye. Also please pray for us to get some good rest and refreshment while we're in Kenya and the States so we'll be fresh and ready to begin our new work in Melut. Please pray for Gideon Theological College as the students are now moving their wives and children to live on the campus with them. Pray for God's blessing on this school, the staff, and the students - for everyone to grow in the knowledge of our Lord.


missing africa said...

wooohooo! ok so i normally read your blog via google reader but since i clicked from fb i thought i would comment. i will be praying for all the new transitions for your family!

Scotty G said...

Hi, I randomly found your blog after searching for news about Melut. My name is Scott and my wife and I worked for Medair in Melut in 2009 and really enjoyed spending some time with Phillip and the other wonderful people at Gideon College. We are back in Colorado now but we have been looking for ways to support their work there. Would it be possible for you to send us some more information about your work and ways me might be able to support you and the College?


Scott Griebling

I forgot how hard this is

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