Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Little Women

 We have a lovely family who live across the street with 4 daughters that I lovingly call my "little women". We get together every Saturday in their home for English conversation which means for 2 hours we only speak in English and I help correct and teach new words. There is something really special about these girls! Last night we were invited to go have special Eritrean coffee at one of their friend's house. Afrah, is the beautiful lady on the far left in the above picture. She and her family (8 other siblings) are from Eritrea.

 Heather and I went with Rasha and Dalia, 2 of the girls from next door, and Afrah had invited several other close friends. We spent a few hours together mixing Arabic and English in conversation, laughing, and learning a lot about each other's cultures!

 Heather with some of the girls.

 This was the table of treats: popcorn, candies (which you can't see in the picture) cake, dunking cookies like biscotti, and their traditional Eritrean bread (looks like pizza on the right)

 This is Dalia, the youngest sister who lives across the street.

This is Rasha with her petite coffee cup. This is how we drank our coffee - black, strong, sweet, and from a tiny cup. It was so much fun. It seems like every time I get together with these new friends, I make new friends and my circle of friends grows. As you can imagine my heart is heavy for them to meet their true Father.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethany
so precious to get back up to date on everything that is happening with you- thanks for your support letter and your blog. I'm praying for you this morning!
Bethany Huss

I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...