Wednesday, June 09, 2010

More fun...

We are really enjoying our time here! We are definitely getting rest but we have at least one fun thing every day. The best part has been seeing friends again and spending time together and giving the kids opportunities to get reacquainted with their friends.
The South Carolinian summer is here so the weather is in the 90's every day. It feels comfortable to us (we're not even using our air conditioning in the house) while everyone else is complaining about how hot it is. We've found fun ways to keep cool: the sprinkler, a new pool, and the slip'n'slide. We also live close to a community playground so we cut through the woods on a fun trail to get there. I'm telling you, our neighborhood is perfect and we're loving it!
We are heading to Tennessee this weekend to visit friends. This will be our first road trip so we'll see how it goes!

A picnic we had today in our backyard!


Heather and Jeff Ladine said...

Hey Faders!
Fun to see you guys settling into life in Columbia--glad all seems to be going well. Our sister and brother-in-law Laurel & Bob should be back in Columbia within the next week or so and would love to connect with y'all :) We are in Kenya now with our team from Columbia and thinking of you!

Heather and Jeff Ladine said...
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missing africa said...

please tell me you turned on the ac by now... 4 days in a row with over 100 degree days... i know that in sudan its MUCH hotter but its the humidity that kills me here! i would take african heat over this any day but maybe its because i would take africa over columbia ANY DAY!

I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...