Friday, April 24, 2009

part of life

Bethany and I have a ritual. We figure out about how much time we will spend in Sudan for our next rotation (usually about 3 months) and then we go to the store in Nairobi. We buy things that we'll need during those three months and then we bring them home. A large fight then ensues. Since we are limited to 30 Kg per person, we have to weigh each item going with us. Are Q-tips or shampoo more important? Too much of one item and not enough of the other and you might have a problem. Is Bethany's umbrella or my soccer cleats more important? Well, you get the picture. It is usually a pretty good fight.

Now as hard as we try to pack well, sometimes we don't pack enough of an item. While sometimes we run out of something benign like chocolate drink mix, this time it is serious. I ran out of deodarant. We have 2 weeks until we leave Sudan and I am working long, hard, hot days on the bridge. Bethany has some extra deodarant but can I go down to the bridge smelling like flowers??? Certainly not. That is, until she forces me to sleep in another room.


Unknown said...

We have all faced such a dilemma but for me Walmart is only 3 minutes away, I will pray for you and on the next trip have have bethany buy the baby powder scent it rocks (or so I am told).
We love you guys and are praying for you,
The Nairn Family

Ben Bacheller said...

Eli, if I were a rich man, I'd overnight UPS or FEDEX you some good ol' Old Spice or something of the like...but, until then...don't wait!

Ben & Becky

Justin and Krista said...

Bethany, if i were you, i would charter a plane and get some deodorant air dropped in. It's not worth the risk that you're putting yourself and you're kids in to have to endure what i can only imagine (actually i think i've e_perienced it some myself in the past) is a major test of your strength, trust in God, and gag refle_. We'll be praying that Eli keeps his arms down.

Justin and Krista

christina said...

good hint that i have learned in my travels is that if you run out of deoderant another thing that qworks just as well is hand sanitizer. i tried it and for me it worked even better than deoderant.:) btw my name is christina i attend ekklesia church with james/tiff ferguson.:)

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