Thursday, March 05, 2009

A peak into Bethany's heart

Do you ever wonder why you feel the way you do? As a mom of three little boys who focuses most of my time in the home, during our first two years in Sudan, I've struggled at times with feeling like I'm not doing enough. Like I should be doing more.
This week I've finally realized how serious this lie is. Obviously Satan wants to cripple me and he knows exactly how to get at me. But once I recognize these feelings/thoughts aren't true, I need to replace them with truth. I'm so thankful that God has opened my eyes this week to show me how He's using me. Not to boost my pride or pat me on the back, but to confirm in my heart, my purpose for being here in Yabus, Sudan.
Just in the past 2 days I've:
- helped care for a sick teammate
- deepened relationships by going visiting, sitting drinking tea and coffee together
- gave medicine to several sick children
- last but not least, had the opportunity to talk about heaven with my boys and Praise (our teammate's son.) Afterward, Praise prayed and asked Jesus to help them get to heaven.

I still can't believe God chose me to come to Sudan. It's such a privledge. My prayer and desire is that each day I'll only do what God wants me to do and nothing more or less.


Megan Manne said...

Bethany, this is such a great post. I think you summed up how so many moms feel - like they're not doing enough. It's so easy to believe this, isn't it? Sometimes I get so caught up in guilt that I don't sit back and just enjoy my job as a mom like I think God wants me to. What a privilege you had to talk with the boys about Heaven and for Praise to say the prayer he did - precious! Know that, even when you're feeling weak, you are one of my heroes. I look up to you and admire you and just the spirit God has given you, even as we live so far apart. God is using you greatly, not only in the lives geographically around you, but around the world too. I love you, friend!

Jessie said...

Hi Bethany,

I'm a friend of Lori's and I love following your blog to see what new things are happening in Sudan. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings with the world, and for being there for Lori when she needs a friend.

First few days in Uganda

Carson in the Entebbe airport in Uganda with all our bags minus one.  Flying out of the States was a lot more challenging than we expected! ...