Friday, March 27, 2009

A sweet season of my life

I still can’t believe Emily Greene, one of my best friends ever, lives in Yabus with me right now. We’ve been close friends since high school in Kenya and no matter where we live or what’s going on in our lives, we've shared it with each other.

The best part of her being here is that she can see and experience my life in Sudan for herself. And nowwe’re living our lives side by side. Four days a week we do preschool together for all the kids (see picture above.) This morning Emily and I sat in the shade and sung in harmony like we always used to do, while our kids played.
As many of you can guess, living in such a hot and rural part of Africa is not easy. Yet Emily and her family have adjusted beautifully and smoothly. They’ve been here almost 2 weeks. Phil and Eli go to work on the bridge every morning and Emily and I hold down the fort back home with our kids. I’ve been so encouraged by the sacrifice Phil and Emily have made to come spend two months in Yabus with us to help finish the Unity Bridge. But Phil isn’t the only one in ministry here. Emily has encouraged and blessed me immensely since she’s been here. She has observed my roles here and affirms that God is using me in special ways too. That is a huge comfort.
I have had many lonely times since coming to Yabus, but am currently soaking up this precious time with Emily.

Pool parties at our house!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baptism in Belatuma

On Sunday the Uduk church in Belatuma, a village an hour drive from Yabus, baptized 217 Christians!!! What an exciting time to watch so many people commit to follow and obey Christ with their lives.

Here the people are lining up for their turn to be baptized. There were 24 church leaders baptizing at the same time.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Evan's 3rd birthday

Tuesday was Evan's birthday. He had such a fun day. At breakfast we sang to him and he opened a small gift. At lunch we stuck a candle in his rice and sang again. Throughout the day friends dropped by to give him candy or some type of gift. After supper we ate chocolate cake and he opened a few gifts from our team and family. Evan is such a big kid now. I can't believe how much he's grown up!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A great day in Yabus!

It was a wonderful day today. We welcomed the Greenes who patiently have gone through two weeks of traveling in order to get here. Their plane was cancelled on the runway in Kenya to bring them up North so they spent a couple extra days in Nairobi and finally arrived today. It was a busy time but I believe they are almost moved in. Bethany has been fighting strep throat for the last few days and is currently bed-ridden. She has slept the full day and is still tired. I get stares from both Sudanese men and women as I carry Josh on my back around the compound. It takes a ton of energy to do what Bethany does. After only a couple of days I am ready for her to be better ASAP.
Along with the Greenes came a roll of the most beautiful cable I have ever seen. It took five of us to unload it from the plane into the truck and then a few more to unload it from the truck to the ground but 1 of 4 rolls now lies on Sudanese soil. We need these four rolls ASAP to finish the bridge. Mmmm, how I love logistics in Africa.
Just wanted to quickly update you all on what/how the Fader fam in Sudan is doing.
Please pray for a speedy recovery for Bethany as the survival of all the Fader boys hinges upon it.
- Eli

Friday, March 06, 2009

The Latest News

Many of you may be wondering how the ICC’s arrest warrant for the President of Sudan has affected our lives. In many ways, we are so isolated that there is little to no affect on our daily lives and we are continuing to work as normal. We are safe and never feel threatened by the people of Yabus. However, please continue to pray for peace and unity for Sudan.
-The Faders

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Animal lover

I just had to post this picture of Evan with the puppy. Our neighbor's dog had puppies and Isaac and Evan have each picked one they want. They're only a few weeks old and their eyes just opened.

A peak into Bethany's heart

Do you ever wonder why you feel the way you do? As a mom of three little boys who focuses most of my time in the home, during our first two years in Sudan, I've struggled at times with feeling like I'm not doing enough. Like I should be doing more.
This week I've finally realized how serious this lie is. Obviously Satan wants to cripple me and he knows exactly how to get at me. But once I recognize these feelings/thoughts aren't true, I need to replace them with truth. I'm so thankful that God has opened my eyes this week to show me how He's using me. Not to boost my pride or pat me on the back, but to confirm in my heart, my purpose for being here in Yabus, Sudan.
Just in the past 2 days I've:
- helped care for a sick teammate
- deepened relationships by going visiting, sitting drinking tea and coffee together
- gave medicine to several sick children
- last but not least, had the opportunity to talk about heaven with my boys and Praise (our teammate's son.) Afterward, Praise prayed and asked Jesus to help them get to heaven.

I still can't believe God chose me to come to Sudan. It's such a privledge. My prayer and desire is that each day I'll only do what God wants me to do and nothing more or less.

First few days in Uganda

Carson in the Entebbe airport in Uganda with all our bags minus one.  Flying out of the States was a lot more challenging than we expected! ...