Monday, October 13, 2008

Baby Amana

A week ago I met a precious little 5 month old baby boy on my way home from visiting some friends. The Ganza woman carrying him explained to me that his mother died and she was caring for him but had no milk. I invited her to come back to our compound and I fixed a bottle of baby formula for him. He gulped it right down. Thankfully I had two large cans of formula so I told her if she came every day I'd make milk for Amana. I couldn't send the powder home with her because she'd end up using dirty river water to make the formula and that would almost defeat the purpose!

So for a week Haua (the caregiver) has been bringing baby Amana for milk and he's looking so much better. Even though he's five months old he feels like he weighs less than 10 pounds and is half Joshua's size (Josh is 3 months old.) It is exciting to see the change in him as he gets more nourishment.

When Haua and Amana came today for milk, Haua told me another woman relative of hers just died leaving a 2 month old baby girl. No one else in the village is willing to care for her, so a 12 yr. old girl is taking care of her, but obviously can not feed her the milk that she needs. I told Haua if she could bring the baby girl here I could feed her like I am Amana. Thankfully a plane coming tomorrow is bringing more baby formula!
I'm overwhelmed at the suffering, sickness, and death engulfing the people here. I want to help but I'm not sure how and where to draw the line. How do I help in a culturally appropriate way?

Part of me wants to just take these precious babies and nurse them myself. But that would be like having triplets! I know Amana is going to be fine. But this 2 month old baby girl won't survive without milk of some kind.

Will you please pray for wisdom to know how to help and ask God to preserve the lives of these little babies?


Unknown said...

You are in our prayers. May God grant you the wisdom to act in those culturally appropriate ways. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of God starting an orphanage in Yabus?

Melanie said...

The child-loving Freshours were tremendously moved by this story and would like to do something practical to help. Should we send you a check so you can buy formula and bottles, should we buy formula and bottles here and ship it to you? What would work best?

Anonymous said...

I am part of a ministry at my church that is looking to help orphans can we help you? I realize that you do not have an 'orphanage' but we are interested in seeing how me might be able to support your efforts for the ones you are helping. If you would like me at

Megan Manne said...

This story breaks my heart. We have a ton of formula that is just setting around and I would love to send it to you, if that would be useful at all. I'm not sure if this is practical or the way things should be handled, but I so long to help in some way. Please let me know what I can do. We love you guys and are praying for you always. Love, Megan

christinastanton said...

My friend, I LOVE reading your blog. Thanks for the update on how I can be praying for you, your family, and those precious African babies. Much love dear!

Amrita said...

Hi friends, lovely to visit you. God bless. I got to you through

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for God's wisdom. It's a tough call but He will guide you through His way.
Perpahs this will open a door for you guys to see more needs and how God can bring more workers.
You are all in my prayers. The boys are growing wonderfully!

Seth and Anya said...

We will definitely pray! God, is there any way we can adopt her? Bethany, I pray God gives you wisdom! Love, the Meeks

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