Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Just Trust

My friend Eunice 

It's been a little more than a month since I last wrote on our blog. During that month we had more visitors from the States and different people staying with us. I love to host so it's been fun but there have definitely been some days of exhaustion. Thankfully, Eli and I are slowly but surely putting new practices into action, trying to pay attention to when we're feeling weary so we can give ourselves space and a chance to recharge so we can always be ready for whatever and however God wants to use us here. It's still a learning process but we've had much encouragement as we attempt new rhythms of rest.

Eli showing Carson a chameleon he found on the road. Carson wasn't thrilled.

Life continued as usual for the month of September with a few new additions. I began homeschooling Carson - we are only doing preschool so it means less than an hour of school work every day but it's been a special time for the two of us while Judah is napping.

Eli continues to gather his research for his PhD dissertation while also traveling to different refugee settlements to check on the theological training centers. We are so encouraged as these students continue with their education. The diploma program is also going strong with a steady 11-14 students.

Carson writing his A's

Both Carson and Judah are growing so fast. I can't believe that Judah will be one year old next month! Carson's new thing lately is that he loves to help. He loves to help me in the kitchen cooking or washing dishes, he helps Eli feed and care for our chickens and dog and he especially likes to help take care of his little brother.

Sharing a popsicle

Isaac in a game against their big rival school

We are happy to report that Isaac, Evan and Joshua continue to thrive at school in Kenya. All three boys are playing soccer this term and trying to keep up with heavy class loads. Isaac is also filling out college applications, FAFSA forms and applying for scholarships. Please pray for him with all these big life decisions ahead of him. This weekend Isaac, Evan and Joshua will bus overnight to Kampala where we get to spend 4 full days with them for their fall midterm break. 

In addition to normal life I am continuing to grow in my thoughts about rest and more recently TRUST. I feel almost silly sharing what God has been teaching me because it's so elementary and simple and yet it's making big, good waves in my heart right now. I was recently talking to a friend about my stress and feeling frustrated that I can't cope better with slight changes in my plans or things out of my control. Don't we all know that as much as we wish we had control, we don't?! WE ARE NOT IN CONTROL! But who is? God is. I know, it sounds so cliche but it's true. Only God is in control. Can I trust that He is always in control and working for my good? Yes I sure can. That means it won't be MY way. It will be HIS way. So instead of getting bent out of shape when something or someone doesn't "go my way" and I'm not in control, the phrase I'm repeating to myself is "Just Trust." 

That same friend reminded me of the Serenity Prayer below. Read it:

 So my mission in my personal spiritual growth is working to ACCEPT what I can't control and what I can't change and have the courage to trust. God is absolutely trustworthy. I just need to live like He is!

I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...