Monday, August 15, 2022

So many good months

Mother's Day photo with my youngest

It's been a really really long time since I've shared on our blog and I feel so bad about that. I know that I love being able to share what God is doing and give you a peek of our amazing life in Uganda. But alas, the theme for me these past few months has been OVERWHELMED. Many times in a good way but because my hands are so full, it's hard to sit at the computer and update our blog. So this post is to share some photo highlights of the summer so far.

Carson really enjoys running errands with Eli on his motorcycle. As you will see in other photos, there is a great love of motorcycles in this family!

In June Eli and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary and went on a beautiful ride through the bush.

We are so thankful for new American friends in our town. A new family with three little kids came to do ministry here as well.

This is my new sister friend Abby

My season of life - everything with a baby on my back

Isaac brought some friends home from school to experience life in Adjumani for a week.

Isaac turned 18 in July and is entering his last year of high school - that is REALLY hard to believe!

I've made two new friends in our community who have babies born in the same month as Judah so that's fun.

My parents came to see us for a quick visit in July and spent as much time as they could with their grandboys.

Tea with Mimo

Judah is finally interested in eating solid food!

As Judah gets older it's so much fun to watch the two little brothers interact more.

Carson's personality keeps getting better!

Thankfully after 4 months in Uganda Judah will finally let other people hold him

We got a new puppy named Mocha in July

As far as ministry goes, we are so thankful for the new things God has started this summer.
In June I started teaching a literacy and beginning English class for women. I teach twice a week and my students have been very disciplined coming ON TIME and prepared every class period. It's been great to see their progress.

This month Eli started a diploma program for TEE students so that is exciting. We currently have 12 students, 10 men/2 women working on earning their diploma. So exciting!

So there you go. Quite a photo dump. As you can see life has been full of so much good. The big boys have been home from school all of July and August and life is definitely crazier but sweeter. It means lots of cooking and laundry for me and lots of motorcycles, bikes, mechanics, football and friends for them. 

First few days in Uganda

Carson in the Entebbe airport in Uganda with all our bags minus one.  Flying out of the States was a lot more challenging than we expected! ...