Friday, February 11, 2022

Eli's Quick Trip Back to Uganda

 Eli took the boys back to RVA at the end of January and then made a quick trip up to Adjumani, Uganda to see friends and check on the TEE program.  Here are a few photos of the adventure!

The boys and I had a really smooth flight until we reached Kenya.  I had visa trouble so the boys went on ahead to RVA while I worked on the Visa issues.  Instead of traveling immediately to Uganda, I had the privilege of staying in Kenya for a few days.  

I stayed with Jon and Amie Cross, SIM South Sudan director, and enjoyed a wonderful gathering on Sunday with many of the SIM families in Kenya.  Unfortunately, we shared more than a good time and some sort of violent flu spread through each on of us.

I finally arrived in Uganda and the first order of business was getting the truck up and running in order to drive to Adjumani. 

When I arrived in Adjumani, I was still a little sick to my stomach.  My friends immediately said they had a local remedy so they got a dried root, broke it into little sticks, and made a bitter tea from it.  I had only one cup but it was very effective.  Stomach issues gone!

I was able to enjoy the delicious Adjumani Cuisine including the silver fish.

I found that our pets were in great health.  The dog was especially protective on the compound and he loves barking at any person/cow/chicken that happens to get too close to the fence.

We held a teacher training/gathering for the 16 TEE teachers.  It was a great time to hear how the centers are going, pray for one another, and seek ways to improve the work we are doing.

While we have been away, Rev. Anthony has started 3 other centers.  I was able to visit a few of the centers on Saturday when they had their gatherings.  I can't tell you how exciting it is when people start digging into the word of God and find the truth and hope found in scripture.

On Sunday I visited a refugee settlement for church.  It was a wonderful time celebrating that Jesus really does set the captives free! 

Bethany sent a special gift along with me for Yoyo.  She has cerebral palsy but this does not hinder her incredible artistic talent.  Here we are trying out the drawing game together.

One of the young ladies from our church in Adjumani was accepted into nursing school.  As I finished my time in Adjumani, I was able to drop her off at her school as we headed back to the capital.  

Africa Renewal University is the school that partners with us for the TEE program.  We visited the campus to update them on the progress of the students.  We are also working with them to offer a higher level Diploma course.  This is all very exciting!

We stayed in Kampala with Adam and Cori Willard, our AIM leaders.  It was fun to have Rev. Anthony along with me.  Here is a sweet moment when he watched a show with their daughter.

I spent my last night in Uganda with Martin and Tabea Auch.  They visited us in Adjumani and we have some very similar passions.  We spent a wonderful evening catching up.

As I headed out of Uganda, I couldn't help but capture this picture on a toilet door.

I am in the airport in Germany on my way home.  Bethany and the two younger boys tested positive for covid and have been pretty unwell while I have been gone.  I can't wait to get back so I can help out a bit.  They are feeling much better and non-contagious.

I could spend hours sharing the details of how God opened doors, shifted my paths, but ultimately accomplished more than I ever thought I would.  It is indeed a pleasure to serve the Lord as an overseas missionary.  I keep dwelling on the incredible joy God expresses (and we share in) whenever his kingdom grows.

I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...