Saturday, August 15, 2020


This has been a hard month emotionally for me (Bethany). This is the month we're hoping to meet and bring home our new daughter. It might still work out for August but we have experienced so many unexpected delays and disappointments in the last weeks. I'm so thankful for dear friends who keep reminding me that God always has the right time picked and it's vital we trust as we're waiting.

I think another reason these days have been emotional for me is because I've been thinking of the depth and magnitude of how meeting this 10 month old baby girl and bringing her home with us, will rock her world and all she's ever known. In taking her from the orphanage, we are causing her pain even though in the end it will be for her own good. Even as a baby under one year, she knows faces and places and routines and we're going to take here away from all of that and everything will be so new. So I've been covering every detail in prayer, especially her little heart.

I've also done everything I can to prepare. I've read articles on post-placement bonding and attachment. I've prayed. I've bought, washed and packed baby clothes so we'll be ready to go as soon as we get the green light from the adoption agency. I've even talked to Carson about his baby sister and tried to help him understand that we're going to have a baby soon.

Besides these things, I'm thankful we've had some other distractions this month.

1. Isaac's friend Jonathan has spent the last 3 weeks with us in Adjumani and it's been great for our boys.

2. We've had a bunch of company lately. I'm currently cooking for 14 and 3 of those 14 are ages 1, 2, and 3 so the little are keeping us busy.

I'm thankful for the ways God keeps me going. If you're reading this, will you please pause to pray for our little girl? I am saddened by every day that passes without her in our family. We are getting very close. Pray that we can go to get her the week of Aug. 25.

We'll let you know how things go. Hopefully my next post will include photos of our girl.

Saturday, August 08, 2020


We finished the month of July spending a marvelous time together with our good friends the Greene family at the Nile River

Emily and I have been best friends since high school! Now our sons are best friends too.
The rainy season brings some interesting challenges

We brought Jonathan back with us after our vacation together to give him a taste of Adjumani
The evenings have been lovely weather for family walks

Eating out at a place in town

Isaac got his own motorcycle for his 16th birthday in July so now we have 3 riders in our family


I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...