Friday, April 03, 2020

God is Working Things for Good

In my last blog post I shared one of the difficult repercussions of this Corona Virus and I know we can all easily think of a long list of how this has negatively impacted us. I also want to acknowledge the deep loss our world is feeling as so many are waging war against this sickness, risking their lives every day to serve the sick and those who have lost the fight and passed away. This is heavy stuff.

But today I want to share some of the beautiful things that we are seeing as a result of all this. The first thing is the deep spiritual conversations Eli and I have been able to have with our neighbors. I've been praying for two friends specifically - Berish and Justine. Berish is a new bride and when I met her about 6 months ago she was newly married and very bitter at God and everyone. Justine has been a friend for a year, ever since she moved right next door after her husband kicked her and her kids out. She's had a very hard life and particularly this last year. However, God has been working in her heart and just in these last few weeks I'm seeing a transformation take place in her as she begins to pursue a personal relationship with Christ. Berish too admitted to me last week that she has realized that she needs to get right with God because we never know when our last day is. I can't tell you what joy it has brought to hear these sweet testimonies of how God is moving and giving faith to our dear friends.

Yesterday our family got to go over and pray over and dedicate Justine's new home to the Lord. This represented a year long struggle of wanting her own home for her and her children. She has worked hard as a seamstress and these two beautiful huts represent how God has been providing for her and answering her prayers for help.

Praying over Justine's new home

Celebrating a huge accomplishment
Another encouraging thing we've seen is how Eli's theology students have persevered to find a way to continue with their studies. They can't meet in their centers each week anymore because the groups were larger than 10. So on their own initiative they broke up into smaller groups so they continue meeting. We don't know how long they will be able to continue with that but we were so blessed by their determination to continue studying and learning.

One of my favorite songs in this season is called "Way Maker". I've pasted the link to Kari Jobe's video singing it. I suggest you turn the volume way up. 😊

Eli's sermon

  Eli got to preach at our church a few weeks ago. Feel free to fast forward through the music and announcements to his sermon. https://vime...