Monday, November 05, 2018

House Hunters - Ugandan Style

House #1 - major con was that there was no kitchen or dining room

Now that we have decided on our ministry location for this term: a town in Northern Uganda called Adjumani, central to almost 20 refugee camps, we have started the fun adventure of house hunting. And I don't say that sarcastically! It's been really fun. I have been amazed at the beautiful houses that are available in a more remote part of the country!

I would like to start by saying that God has provided in such timely ways, 2 very helpful men who guided us around town to see multiple possibilities. They knew some of the things that were important to us: electricity, running water, and a yard.

Since Adjumani is only 2 hours from Gulu where we live right now, we decided to drive up on Saturday morning and spend the day looking at houses. It was such a unique experience that I wanted to write about it on our blog.

House #2 - amazing yard but small, dark house also missing a kitchen and dining room
 This house had the most elaborate, gaudy ceilings I've ever seen! Every room had a special design painted on it.

This picture I'm including to show that houses came in all shapes, sizes and colors as you'll see...

House #3 was our 2nd favorite 

House #4
 This house also had crazy ceilings designs - these were more like multi colored spikes growing out of the ceiling!

House #5 - the house we're hoping for

When searching for a house it's important for a raised water tank so that you have water pressure in your house.

 The cool thing about this last house is that the owner is from South Sudan. It's brand new and very well built. It also happens to be right next door to the AIC (Africa Inland Church) property - this is one of the churches we'll be partnering with. The inside is very comfortable with a good sized kitchen, which is important to this mama who had seen several houses without a kitchen. But one of my favorite things about this house is the community it's in. The picture below shows our next door neighbors:

Our neighbors next door
I'll admit that as much as I love this house, I have felt uncomfortable at times with the prospect of living in such a "palace" when many around us live in huts. But this community looks and feels a lot like places we've lived in South Sudan. It makes me excited to get out and meet our neighbors and have so many wonderful people to live life with day in and day out. I have learned over the years that it makes such a difference to live where we can thrive. Not only will this sweet community and village life help us thrive but so will this beautiful western style house. We will try to do it well - not closing ourselves into our own little world, but inviting the world in. 

First few days in Uganda

Carson in the Entebbe airport in Uganda with all our bags minus one.  Flying out of the States was a lot more challenging than we expected! ...