Thursday, May 10, 2018

Our New Family of 6!

I can hardly believe we have 4 sons now! When we entered this adoption journey last year we had no idea what God had in store and though the waiting has been really really hard and there were times I wasn't sure there would be a baby at the end of all this - it happened! The Lord brought us our son.
Since it will still take about 3 months to finalize our adoption of Carson, we can't show pictures of his face but we would like to share a few glimpses of what the journey has been like for us meeting Carson and getting to bring him home.

Some day maybe I'll be able to write in more detail about our adoption but life is moving pretty fast right now with a newborn, plus Eli is in Africa for 10 days and I have my parents here visiting. For now I will just share a few pictures of the last 3 weeks with our sweet little guy.

This is the day we got to leave the hospital with Carson. It felt so surreal.

The boys love getting to know their new brother and encourage him in all his milestones!
They are naturals

First base ball game at 2 weeks old

First family walk (teaching him the Fader traditions)

Even both sets of grandparents have now met him!

This has been quite the journey and it's only the beginning. Good thing Carson is so laid back and such a content baby because he has quite the adventure with his family ahead of him!

I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...