Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Highlights of a Full & Crazy Week

At a wedding
 Last Monday we attended a wedding of a good friend of ours from the Jumjum tribe. As you can see by the crowd of children in the background, they were quite intrigued by some of us very pale wedding guests!

Isaac sporting a home-woven hat
 As Isaac gets older, I continue to be amazed how easy it seems to be for him to make friends everywhere he goes! What a great kid.

Joshua teaching Hopscotch
 As we waited for the dancing to start, Joshua decided to show all the kids how we play Hopscotch.
It turned out they had a similar game of their own.

After church in the camps, we took a group of church friends over to this fine restaurant to have lunch together. The lady making tea is the sister of my good friend to the left of me.

Even though we ended up being out for 7+ hours in the camps on Sunday, these boys don't complain. They are truly amazing. Little missionaries...

I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...