Here we are: the 4 teachers at the Basic Education Learning Center. From left to right: Lori - science teacher from Wisconsin, USA; Victoria - Social Studies teacher from Nigeria; Asule - English and Bible teacher from Northeast India; Bethany - math teacher from ?
Yep, this was lunch! We killed 2 cows, 2 goats and 1 sheep! It took 5 hours to butcher the animals and cut up all the meat to be cooked for our 400 guests.
Lori and I just had to laugh as we printed off the graduation certificates, filled in the information with calligraphy pens and laminated them. Where did it all happen? On a dirty floor near a solar powered outlet!
On March 18, we graduated 29 students, 27 men and 2 women, from our accelerated primary school. In 3 1/2 years they went through Grade 1-8! It was a BIG day.
On March 18, we graduated 29 students, 27 men and 2 women, from our accelerated primary school. In 3 1/2 years they went through Grade 1-8! It was a BIG day.
The ceremony was supposed to begin at 11 am but since our guest of honor never showed up we finally decided to go ahead and start a little before 2 pm! There were plenty of speeches, special songs, and a lot of loud applause. I even choked back tears a few times.
I have no doubt that God will use these 29 individuals to now lead the country of Sudan in the direction He has.
I have no doubt that God will use these 29 individuals to now lead the country of Sudan in the direction He has.