Thursday, July 31, 2008

News from Yabus

Our dear friend and teammate, Katie Montgomery, returned to Nairobi from Yabus yesterday. She came over for dinner last night and came to visit again this morning. We've so enjoyed hearing news and stories from Yabus. Katie also brought many pictures and video clips of friends greeting us and sending their love. It was so encouraging to be reminded of our Sudanese friends who miss us and are waiting for our return.

We are now more eager than ever to get home, but also know how to pray more specifically for our colleagues and friends in Yabus. This is a picture of one of our neighbor friends enjoying the picture album we sent with pictures of baby Joshua so our friends there could see our newest addition. You can tell they love him already!

Joshua's paperwork moving right along!

We spent most of Tuesday at the Embassy applying for Josh's passport and social security card. They did tell us that if we wanted his middle name to be Daniel instead of Danzel, we would need to get his birth certificate ammended. Otherwise his middle name would be printed as Danzel on all official documents. We didn't want that.
So yesterday, Wednesday, Eli set off once again for the Sheria House thinking it might take another 5 visits to get the birth certificate fixed. But he came home later in the afternoon beaming because it had been done in ONE day! Yay!
Today Eli went to the Embassy once again to turn in the new, revised birth certificate and thankfully didn't have to wait as long as we did on Tuesday. However, now we've been told that the passport picture we had will not work and we need to get a new one. So this afternoon when all three boys are up from their naps, we'll trek down to the photo place to try one more time. The joys of having children abroad!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Getting the Birth Certificate

As part of our adventures in Africa comes the necessary paperwork that must be obtained. I have spent the last two weeks in a couple locations downtown Nairobi, getting a Birth Certificate for Joshua Daniel. It was a new adventure so I didn't mind the matatu rides (local buses) downtown or the fact that it took five trips to get the needed document. It was a good experience as I went from counter to counter, filled out paper after paper, explaining and bargaining so that I could get 6 Birth certificates. Other missionaries have encouraged us to get multiple copies at the start so we don't have to go back later. All went well and I actually enjoyed the experience but I believe the adventure has just begun. As I rode home on the matatu and pulled out the completed copies of Joshua's offical Birth Certificate, I noticed they have written his name as "Joshua Danzel" instead of "Joshua Daniel". Is it worth another five trips to fix it? I suddenly like the name Danzel.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Joshua Daniel Fader

Please enjoy our newest addition to the family. He is a healthy 8lbs and 6oz and sleeping very well. Bethany is healing well and resting. He was born at 6:30pm on July 10.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Precious time with Grandma "Mimo"

The whole Sorensen family is together! Bethany's mom flew in on Sunday and the rest of the family arrived on Tuesday. These rare times of being together as a family are so precious and special, so we are enjoying every minute. The boys have been thrilled to have so much attention as you can see in the pictures.

Alumni Rugby game

We spent last weekend at our old high school, Rift Valley Academy, where Eli and I met. It was Alumni Weekend so we got to see old friends, went to a lovely banquet, and Eli got to play in the big rugby game. It was a huge highlight of the month for him. He played great and somehow made it off the field with only a few minor scratches.

I forgot how hard this is

 I don't want to make you feel sorry for me. But I do want to be honest about how my journey as a missionary woman goes. We have now bee...