Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Alumni Rugby game

We spent last weekend at our old high school, Rift Valley Academy, where Eli and I met. It was Alumni Weekend so we got to see old friends, went to a lovely banquet, and Eli got to play in the big rugby game. It was a huge highlight of the month for him. He played great and somehow made it off the field with only a few minor scratches.


Unknown said...

Didn't want to sport the short rugby shorts?

Anonymous said...

man i would have loved to be there

(hey I got player of the year for USC this spring and my own bottle of MD20 20.) just trying to be like eli

Why does sickness like to hang around so long???

Only a few days after returning from our trip to Kenya, Judah started spiking high fevers. We took him to our clinic here in town for blood ...